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Image by Aaron Burden

Mission Statement

We are an evangelistic faith based ministry that teaches and believes that the Old and New Testament scriptures of the King James Bible are the divine and inspired word of Jehovah God. This ministry has been commissioned by God to deliver to the world the good news message that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. ( John 3:16 )


We teach through sermons and testimonial songs that salvation is yours to receive if you are willing to believe, with all your heart and soul, that Jesus shed His blood on the cross as an atonement for your sins and the sins of the world.


That He was crucified on the cross and was buried in a tomb and victoriously rose from the grave on the third day. You must confess before men that He is CHRIST the living Savior and that you have made Him master of your life.

Mission Statement Continued

You must repent of your sins, receive the baptism of water and of the Holy Spirit and you will become a child of God for eternity. We also teach and live by the new commandment that Christ gave us, "To love one another". He taught us to be our brothers keeper and to take care of the widows, the sick, the elderly and the poor.


We are committed to doing that by raising funds and donating our time to missions and charities that help those in need in their communities. We also have a tent ministry where we take His word to the streets, hoping to lead to CHRIST those that might never set foot in a main stream church.


Our goal being to bring them to the Lord. We minister at churches across the U.S., at conventions and anywhere God leads us to go. To follow His command is our mission.

Image by Jackson David
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